Informative articles

Informative articles based on presentations from the Expatika workshops


Balancing by Ty Goren

Relocating spouses – balancing transition experiences As literature describes it, while adapting to a new culture, our role as relocating spouses tends to be the most difficult in the family. The number of challenges experienced by relocating spouses raises a sense of imbalance. And still, we spouses have the power to balance those challenges.


MOVE GuidesAn interesting Relocation Support App by MOVE A recent approach by a recruiter introduced me to a new relocation support tool by MOVE Guides. While diving into their bright engaging website I was impressed not only by the simplicity it reflects for all stakeholders in the relocation loop, but also by the promise it holds for independent roamers.




Relocation in Numbers  A frequent question that often rises when discussing relocation is how many expats are there in the world? This question is not easy to answer. Today,  worldwide, there are about 244 million people living outside of their home countries. Some of them are considered migrants, yet others – temporary residents. Read more



haslberger adjustment


Relocation Adjustment The process of adjustment, and in particular adjustment to the relocation is commonly described using four key phases: The Honeymoon / Euphoria phase, the Crisis / Cultural Shock phase, the Adjustment phase, and the Adaptation phase. Read more