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Interesting articles:

Till stress do us part: the causes and consequences of expatriate divorce   71 percent of expatriates are married, and yet relocation takes its toll and raises marital tension. Through 3 vignettes which represent the stories of 38 surveyed respondents the writer illustrate the challenges faced by expatriates and their families in relation to divorce. The two main reasons for divorce stated by the respondents were first a core issue in the marriage that existed before the relocation, and second a change in one of the spouses behavior. Such change (infidelity, excessive drinking) is claimed to be influenced by the expat culture.  McNulty, Y. (2015) Journal of Global Mobility, Vol. 3 Iss 2 pp. 106 – 136

The Task of Being Content: Expatriate Wives in Beijing, Emotional Work and Patriarchal Bargain In this article the writer, an expat wife herself, reviews the life of the Trailing Spouse through the stories of 30 expat wives. Based on these stories the writer describes a ‘patriarchal  bargain’ in which expat wives are claimed to be engaged. In it the women are expected to support  their husbands’ careers, interrupt their working and social life, and increased economic and social dependency and yet also enjoy leisure and  a privileged life style. The study focuses on the emotional labor and the strategies used by expat wives in order to fulfill their part of the bargain – feeling good with their life in the relocation. Arieli, Daniella (2007) Journal of International Women’s Studies, 8(4), 18-31

Work and Family Interface in the International Career Context A wonderful combination of articles about the challenging combination of work, family, and relocation. Two articles in the book worth an extra look – Expatriate Family Narratives on International Mobility: Key Characteristics of the Successful Moveable Family, by Lazarova, McNulty, and Semeniuk, and Another Look at Family Adjustment by  Haslberger, Hippler, and Brewster. Mäkelä, L., & Suutari, V. (Eds.). (2015). Work and Family Interface in the International Career Context. Springer.‏

Recommended books:

Third culture kids: The experience of growing up among worlds
Pollock, D.C., & Van Reken, R.E. (2009). Boston: Nicholas Brealy






Arrivals, Departures and the Adventures In-Between, by Christopher O’Shaughnessy


Interesting videos and websites:


Denizen – A website for TCKs by TCKs






A very interesting website, blog and podcast By ATCK Tayo Rockson





Wheres home

Where’s home? – A film about Third Culture Kids identity
by Adrian Bautista