
בעבודתי אני נתקלת בשאלה מהי מדיניות רילוקיישן טובה וכמו בתחומים רבים ושונים אני מוצאת שגם ברילוקיישן One size כבר לא Fits all. כך, גם בתחום הרילוקיישן חבילות ה’מכולה, טיסה, דיור זמני’, שהיו מקובלות בעבר, אינן נותנות מענה מדוייק לצרכיהם המשתנים של המתניידים ולכן הופכות בזבזניות מחד (כאשר שילוח מכולה מתברר כמיותר) וחסרות מאידך (כאשר המתנייד הממתין למכולה נדרש לעבור עם משפחתו מביתו לדיור זמני בדרך לדיור הקבע בעוד השכרת מספר פריטי ריהוט היתה מפשטת ומקצרת את התהליך). מתוך הבנה זו אני רואה את הצורך בחבילות שהן גמישות ועדיין ממוסגרות. כך, ניתן ליצור מסגרת תקציב המושתתת על ותק, מצב משפחתי וסטטוס […]

בדרך אל מדיניות רילוקיישן גמישה

After six years in the international education system, with one teenager about to finish his IB and another who chose a different path, I feel ready to dive into the depth of this special program and try to explain the way I perceive its charm.  Origins of the IB IB was initiated by a group of teachers from the International School in Geneva. The goal was to create a curriculum that encourages international awareness along with the skills, attitudes and knowledge required for participation in a global society. The program strives to produce curious, knowledgeable and motivated students. Those who […]

The IB program – A parent’s view

First, there were the Expats. Employees who were sent by their company on a mission outside of home. But as time passed, globalization crawled in, and as borders became easier to cross and international experience became invaluable for global companies, a variety of ‘post expatriate’ (’Postpat’) groups started to emerge. The following chapters will try to describe the main characteristics of the different Postpat groups and the challenges and opportunities they are facing. However, a word of caution must be noted – no two persons are the same and no two Postpats have the same relocation experience. Still, when trying […]

Global Mobility Trends of the Post Expatriates Era

MOVE Guides
A recent approach by a recruiter introduced me to a new relocation support tool by MOVE Guides. While diving into their bright engaging website I was impressed not only by the simplicity it reflects for all stakeholders in the relocation loop, but also by the promise it holds for independent roamers. In a catchy infographic video MOVE Guides describe a seamless application which ties together the various entities involved in the relocation task.  A ‘spider web’ which connects together HRs on both ends, finance specialists, moving companies, real estate agents, and in the midst of it all – the employee with its […]

An interesting Relocation Support App by MOVE

Recently I have finished writing the first draft of the booklet that will accompany my upcoming workshops. This booklet is based on the materials I am presenting in these workshops, as well as comments and reflections from my own experience of the last 20 relocation years and from experiences of fellow expat wives. The concluding chapter of the booklet (after family adjustment, and TCK) deals with the part we ‘expat wives’/’relocation partners’/’trailing spouses’ have in this task (and since I and most of the participants in my workshops are women, I refer mostly to this group). As literature describes it, while […]

Relocating spouses – balancing transition experiences

A frequent question that often rises when discussing relocation is How many expats are there in the world? This question is not easy to answer. Today,  worldwide, there are about 244 million people living outside of their home countries. Some of them are considered migrants, yet others – temporary residents. The lack of a precise definition to the terms “Relocation” and “Expats” makes it difficult to count the actual number of Expats in the world, and yet the surveys predict an increase in these numbers in the coming years.

Relocation in numbers

An introduction to commonly used and less familiar models of adjustment The process of adjustment, and in particular the relocation adjustment is commonly described using four key phases: The Honeymoon / Euphoria phase: This phase includes the period immediately before and after the transition. At this time, the experience is new and exciting. Energy and enthusiasm are at their peak and the transition feels like a long and exciting trip. The Crisis / Cultural Shock phase: At this stage feelings of dissatisfaction and hardship are starting to emerge as the initial excitement is replaced by a feeling of discomfort. This stage […]

Relocation Adjustment – descriptive models